
Showing posts from February, 2013

Snow socks! Woohoo.

It's weather like we have today (very windy and snowing) that always brings in the winter tyres conversations in motoring circles.  Personally, I fall in to the 'we only have a couple of days where it's bad enough to warrant changing the tyres'  band. That's why I bought some AutoSock Snow socks instead. No need to visit the tyre shop to change the tyres,  no need to take up a corner of the garage with the winter tyres throughout summer, just a simple bag with these new snow socks in them that fit in the boot whenever there may be a chance of the white stuff arriving. So it comes to today, when I end up going out in the morning unexpectedly that I found myself having to use them for the first time. It's started to snow and it's cold. Sheffield, where I live, is a hilly city so within no time at all I'll have to navigate one. And so does everyone else. End result: Chaos. Traffic is there where there is normally none. Lines of red lights from the cars with