Syncing your Nokia contacts to your car via Bluetooth
So, over on the various forums I've frequented, and with the interest in mobiles and cars, I've been asked this question many times. It nearly always revolves around someone having a Nokia Phone and a problem with them syncing that phone's contacts to the car for communication via the dash or the head unit. There's not a problem with calls, its just this issue with being able to see your phone book. So if you are one of those wondering, "How the hell do I get my contacts to my car from this Nokia N8?" ... or Nokia N97 or whatever Nokia you may have picked up, this will help. To quote myself from the 1st time I wrote this out (I thought this was worth salvaging from the old blog posts) You need to download a file from Nokia that is called "810 contacts Download Application" and just for you, this is the link . Find your phone or equivalent and get that version. If you have the Nokia N8 the 5th edition version works just fine, even though you're on
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