So, over on the various forums I've frequented, and with the interest in mobiles and cars, I've been asked this question many times. It nearly always revolves around someone having a Nokia Phone and a problem with them syncing that phone's contacts to the car for communication via the dash or the head unit. There's not a problem with calls, its just this issue with being able to see your phone book. So if you are one of those wondering, "How the hell do I get my contacts to my car from this Nokia N8?" ... or Nokia N97 or whatever Nokia you may have picked up, this will help. To quote myself from the 1st time I wrote this out (I thought this was worth salvaging from the old blog posts) You need to download a file from Nokia that is called "810 contacts Download Application" and just for you, this is the link . Find your phone or equivalent and get that version. If you have the Nokia N8 the 5th edition version works just fine, even though you're on
//thanks to the android app this is now the 3rd time I've written this. This morning, whilst sitting in the lounge a phone notification came through, so I went over the the stand that my phone was on to check it. To set the scene, this stand was a MASSIVE 2.5 foot high. As I picked up the phone, it span in my hand a little and slipped. Gravity did its thing and the phone went directly down. Opps I thought, and that was all I thought at that time. I've had many phones that I've dropped. Dropped on carpet, dropped on tarmac, dropped over 13ft from a shirt pocket up a ladder (that was a Nokia) down on to concrete ..... and they all survived with nothing more that a dint on the casing or in the case of the X6 that skipped down the tarcmac, a slight nick out the glass itself. So on to this morning. After the HUGE fall of 2 foot, clearly something met the very edge of the PLAYs screen and this happened. The hardest thing this could have hit is my pen lid, (which was metal) which
So, it's been a while I know, sorry... but I found out something I didn't see much about online on help forums for WhatsApp or Signal. TL;DR - Cannot scan QR code with Samsung Fold for WhatsApp or Signal windows app connection? Unfold the phone and scan the code it'll connect up. Scan it when phones closed, it won't. True for both for connecting WhatsApp and Signal Windows 11 applications to Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 4. My Galaxy watch gave up the ghost after coming back from a hot holiday this summer (Cyprus, thanks for asking... was amazing) It was stuck in a never ending boot loop and even on flat battery, when it came back to life, it looped. When I got home, I sent it off to Samsung for repair and they mailed me back saying; Now, from memory this is pretty close to the cost of the watch so I picked myself up off the floor and politely declined and said send it back, which they did. When it arrived back, it turned on and worked. RESULT! But I figured there's a
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